Website banner of 4 images. Image 1 Anita a black woman in glasses holding a cane and microphone speaking to a crowd. Image 2 Anita in a green Community Emergency Response Team hard hat, safety goggles, and blue mask pulled to the side. Image 3 Anita in a beige fishing hat and navy ADAPT shirt, and glasses with a cane handcuffed to The White House fence making a power fist. There is yellow police tape in front of her. Image 4 Anita in a burgundy ADAPT Arkansas shirt marching with other activist as she's chanting.
Author, Disability Justice Activist
Image of digitally painted poster with images at the bottom of Anita in a wheelchair with a bullhorn holding a disability rights flag. Another painted image of Anita on the ground facing down being handcuffed by police officers. At the top is Anita wearing an ADAPT beanie with her long locs and it says "Civil Rights are not given you must fight for them. Then fight to keep them.