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Flyer that reads: Author Event and Book Signing Anita Cameron. In a speech bubble it says, kids and adults welcome! Anita will present her story of the struggle for disability rights! September 30th at 3pm. 638 South Ave, Rochester, NY 14620. There is a QR code and a footer that reads Contact Us 585-461-0160 Images include 1. Book cover image of My Itty Bitty Bio children’s book with cartoon picture of Anita at the Capitol Crawl protest for the Americans with Disabilities Act. She is at the steps of the Capitol in a wheelchair with a bullhorn holding a disability rights flag. There is an Easter Seals logo at the bottom. 2. Image of digitally painted poster with images at the bottom of Anita in a wheelchair with a bullhorn holding a disability rights flag. Another painted image of Anita on the ground facing down being handcuffed by police officers. At the top is Anita wearing an ADAPT beanie with her long locs and it says “Civil Rights are not given you must fight for them. Then fight to keep them.
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