
  • Anita, a Black person wearing blue jeans, blue T-shirt, blue baseball cap, red bandanna and a pink backpack, is walking backwards up the steps of the US Capitol. She is holding a white tactile cane. She is helping another person carry a manual wheelchair. They are surrounded by other people, including a young child, who might be either Caitlin or Lincoln Blank.
  • Image of digitally painted poster with images at the bottom of Anita in a wheelchair with a bullhorn holding a disability rights flag. Another painted image of Anita on the ground facing down being handcuffed by police officers. At the top is Anita wearing an ADAPT beanie with her long locs and it says "Civil Rights are not given you must fight for them. Then fight to keep them.
  • Anita in an orange ADAPT vest sitting in a wheelchair holding the disability rights American flag and her cane attached to the back of the wheelchair. There are other ADAPT members in orange vests holding flags in the background.
  • Anita marching and chanting with ADAPT members behind her. She is wearing a red shirt with image of state of Arkansas that reads disability rights are civil rights y'all.
  • Paulette Patterson in a manual wheelchair, Anita Cameron and another woman protester sit on the floor mouths open, all chanting in unison in Atlanta 1989. Anita and the other woman wear ADAPT headbands and have their fists raised in the power sign. Behind them George Roberts and Claude Holcomb are in their wheelchairs up against a a glass door that reads "DO NOT ENTER (with and ADAPT sticker over the center)" and "OUT." George is also chanting, Claude looks off to the side. Photo by Tom Olin.
  • An old one. Me, Robin McGhee and Molly Blank. We were arrested. In the police vehicle. We’re all handcuffed behind our backs.
  • Anita a black woman with dreadlocks wearing glasses, a red ADAPT t-shirt over a longsleeve white shirt holding a microphone and cane addressing a crowd of ADAPT members in a room.
  • Anita and former Senator Tom Harkin at the ADAPT Fun Run in neon yellow vests.
  • Anita in red ADAPT shirt with a black blazer and pants sitting on edge of stage holding an award from Autistic Self Advocacy Network in 2017.
  • Anita, Bruce, and Mike in ADAPT shirts posing with awards from Access Living.
  • Anita in a pink Not Dead Yet shirt at a booth with flyers on it and signs that read, "Give me liberty, don't give me death, a Not Dead Yet logo, and "Nothng About Us Without Us!"
  • Anita posing in front of John Lewis's DC Congressional Office door.
  • Anita and Claudia Gordon at a Black History Month event at The White House.
  • Anita in a tuxedo and bowtie wearing a mask posing in front of a portrait of Michelle Obama at The White House.
  • Anita posing with her In This Moment chapbook wearing a mask with an image of her from the chapbook on a screen behind her.
  • Anita pooing with her My Itty Bitty Bio book.
  • Anita with NCIL Executive Director Theo Braddy and Jeff Hughes being recognized by NCIL with the 2023 Corey Rowley Award for her life’s work as a disability justice advocate.
  • Closeup of NCIL 2023 Corey Rowley Award for Anita's tireless efforts organizing and energizing Americans with disabilities in support of Independent Living.
  • Anita speaking at the 2023 NYAIL conference on how communities of color can organize and fight against assisted suicide laws. She is wearing a mask, pink Not Dead Yet shirt, white LaTonya Reeves Act hat, and jeans sitting in a chair holding a microphone.